Grapewood Farm is now offering a package mix which we call “Community Cornbread”. This hand-mixed product is a flavor-rich blend of our Soft Red Wheat flour blended together with locally grown, non-GMO dent corn, from our Common Grain Alliance friends at Cutfresh Organics.
A portion of its sales will help support our local community Healthy Harvest Food Bank (
But, what is the story behind this new product? It began last summer when we drove to Buzzard Point near Reedville in Virginia to meet the ferry arriving from Tangier Island in the Chesapeake. We had bought a few hundred pounds of organic Reid’s Dent Corn from our friends at Cutfresh Organics ( in Eden MD, and we were there to pick them up. Yes, the old-fashioned way! Loaded onto a ferry, the boxes were transshipped in Tangier Island and arrived in Virginia. Here you see Fred waiting for the ferry and unloading the boxes of corn.
Now the corn could be cleaned, and ground to our specifications, before being mixed with our own Soft Red Wheat flour grown from organic wheat. We add organic cane sugar, salt and baking powder to the mix, which is hand blended, bagged and heat sealed. All the customer has to do is add an egg, butter and milk and the instructions are on the bag. What could be easier, fresher, and tastier?
We had this last night for the first time and it is delicious! Thank you for creating a wonderful mix. We will be buying this often.