It’s a new year .... indeed a new decade. Marking the occasion we took the old John Deere 2020 tractor out for a spin! Fred and our mechanic have been working to restore this wonderful old work horse from the 60’s for several months, on and off. She will be put to good use with the other work horses “in the barn”.
January is typically a quiet month when Fred and David catch up on service work maintenance, and general property clean up. In addition, and since the weather has been so mild, we took the opportunity to dig in some skip cherry laurels along the barn drive way.
The fields that were planted last Fall are beginning to green up nicely, both the grain crop, and the cover crops. Unfortunately, the weeds are also taking advantage of the mild weather and some tilling may have to be done soon.
Happy New Year to our friends, family and to you - our valued customers.